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Stadium Concrete Seats

Costume & Stage Management 

Behind the Scenes



During his time at BOA Stage and Screen Shuayb Zaman has specialised in Costume, Stage Management and has worked on A View From the Bridge as an ASM and Beauty And The Beast as a Costume Maker. Shuayb has been on work placement at Birmingham opera Company as an ASM and Birmingham Royal Ballet as stage hand too. Shuayb is looking forward to getting freelance work and is applying to be a casual Technician around local theatres such as the REP and Hippodrome . Last summer, Shuayb worked In a production of Waswasa with the Hippodrome & Soul city arts as an ASM and an ASM during the Commonwealth Games Welcoming ceremony in the athlete villages. This summer, Shuayb Is hoping to partake in the For/With/By festival joining the Stage Management team. Outside of theatre he enjoys photography and music.

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